AI solutions focused on people.

We are a Human-centered AI (HCAI) firm that provides research services, AI framework development, policy formulation, AI education, and tailored consulting to support your unique business requirements.


  • Providing guidance on ethical AI development practices, including fairness, transparency, workforce/user/customer augmentation, privacy, and internal governance.

  • Conducting multi-method research and testing to understand user/customer needs, behaviors, and preferences. Ensuring AI solutions are developed and tailored effectively.

  • Consulting on the E2E design of AI products from an HCAI perspective. Evaluation of interfaces and interactions to ensure they are valuable, engaging, and accessible to all users

  • Training sessions for your team on AI, Gen AI, Human-Centered AI, AI Ethics, AI Governance.

    Workshops on applications of AI, AI Innovation, and AI Best Practices

  • Usability & Stress testing on AI solutions to ensure performance within company goals and governance structures.

  • Development of AI Center of Excellence (AI CoE) for your company to start and continue to develop innovative AI strategies that adhere to best practices in AI

Let’s work together

Discover how our Human-Centered approach can revolutionize your AI Strategy.